Five preventive measures for hardening cracks in die steel - longitudinal/transverse/arc/peel/mesh cracks
1, longitudinal crack crack is axial, thin...
2023-11-21 -
A new technology of magnetic particle detection -- low-frequency magnetic flaw detection
关键词:低频、脉冲、充电※ 提高探伤深度,检测表面和近表面更深的缺陷。※ 探伤后不用...
2023-11-20 -
What exactly is nondestructive testing (NDT)?
无损检测到底是什么?无损检测就是Non Destructive Testing,缩写...
2023-11-21 -
TOFD Detection technique
TOFD 是Time Of Flight Diffraction的英文缩写,是一种利...
2023-11-20 -
The most complete in history: a summary of technical knowledge of plastic molds
塑胶模具引言 我们日常生产、生活中所使用到的各种工具和产品,大到机床的底座、机...
2023-11-20 -
Five kinds of non-destructive testing methods for mold materials
There are many methods of industrial non-d...
2023-11-22 -
Commonly used flaw detection methods
2023-11-21 -
The difference between calibration, verification, calibration and verification