He the fourth Suzhou City skills number one competition smoothly

2023-11-25 14:59:15

On November 22, the 4th Suzhou Skills Champion Competition, sponsored by Suzhou Municipal People's Government and undertaken by the Municipal Talent Office, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Youth League Committee, the Municipal Finance Bureau and the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, was held in Suzhou Building Research Institute Group Co., LTD. My company's marketing manager Meng Fanbao as a guest, non-destructive testing room director Meng Qianqian as the contest deputy chief judge, marketing business manager Wang Youkai participated in the competition.

The contestants mainly come from the front-line employees engaged in related professions in Suzhou. Our company is the support unit of this competition, for the sub-field "Jian Yan Cup" building material testing competition to provide the steel structure weld test block. In order to ensure the fair and smooth progress of the competition, we strictly confidential packaging, special car escorted to the examination room. Through this competition, the contestants can fully show their own level, learn from each other and make progress.

Ruixiang brand test block | mould
