NB/T 47013.15Here comes the new standard test block
NB/T 47013.15Here comes the new standard test block!!!
Standard test block: refers to a material block with specified chemical composition, surface roughness, heat treatment and geometric shape, used to evaluate and calibrate ultrasonic testing equipment, that is, a test block used for the performance calibration of instrument probe system. The standard test block specified in this part is 20# high-quality carbon structural steel CSK-IA, DZ-1, DB-P Z20-2.
When the standard test block is compared with the same reflector (surface) on the national standard sample or similar standard test block with the standard value transfer benchmark under the same test conditions, the maximum reflected amplitude difference is less than or equal to 2dB.
Comparison block ( : It refers to a reference reflector with clear meaning similar to the chemical composition of the inspected part or material (the reflector should be machined) for adjusting the amplitude and sound path of the ultrasonic testing equipment. The detected defect signal has been compared with the signal generated by the known reflector, that is, the test block for detection and calibration. (The comparison block contains a meaningful reference reflector.) .
The dimensions of the simulated test block should be able to represent the characteristics of the workpiece under test. Similar acoustic performance, containing simulated defects, welding joint as an example, requires welding method preparation, containing real defects).