The 2018 annual general meeting of the Non-destructive Testing Professional Committee of China Petroleum Engineering Construction Association was held in our company

2023-11-23 09:33:27




On December 21, 2018, the 2018 Annual meeting of the Non-destructive Testing Professional Committee of China Petroleum Engineering Construction Association and the petroleum and petrochemical monitoring, testing and maintenance repair technology seminar were held in our company. The members of the non-destructive testing committee of China Petroleum Engineering Construction Association, China University of Petroleum (Beijing) sponsored, Shandong Ruixiang Mold Co., LTD. Guo Yeyu, secretary-general of China Petroleum Engineering Construction Association, and nearly 50 representatives of experts attended the meeting.

According to the agenda, Bai Shiwu, secretary-general of the non-destructive testing Professional Committee of the China Petroleum Engineering Construction Association, made the annual work report of the non-destructive testing professional committee, and then the technical exchange, and the experts participated in the discussion and exchange on the AUT detection technology, phased array technology, DR Detection technology, electromagnetic field detection technology commonly used in the field of non-destructive testing in petroleum engineering construction.


Opening ceremony山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Conference site山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Marketing deputy manager Li Qing made a meeting report山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块Conference presentation site

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Ruixiang brand test block | mould

Deputy General manager Wan Haitao accompanied the participants to visit the workshop and the exhibition room
