The monograph conference and technical seminar of Ultrasonic Detection Technology for Power Plants and power Grids was held in Jining, Shandong Province

2023-11-23 14:44:11

山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块        On July 19, 2019, the monograph conference and technical seminar of Ultrasonic Detection Technology for Power Plants and Power Grids was held in Jining, Shandong Province. More than 80 people from the national power industry attended the monograph conference.


Wei Zhongrui, chairman and general manager of Shandong Ruixiang Mould Co., LTD., delivered a speech山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

President Wang Peng of Xi 'an Thermal Engineering Institute presided over the conference山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块CAI Hui, deputy director of Xi 'an Thermal Engineering Institute, introduced the preparation process of the monograph

山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块中Tu Peng, director of National Electric Power Publishing House, delivered a speech

      According to the agenda, the chairman and general manager Wei Zhongrui first gave a welcome speech, and CAI Hui, deputy director of Xi 'an Thermal Engineering Institute, introduced the preparation process of the monograph. Then Wan Haitao, deputy general manager of the company, presided over the unveiling ceremony of the new book, Wei Zhongrui, general manager of Ruixiang Mold, CAI Hui, deputy director of Xi 'an Thermal Engineering Institute, Professor Xia Jizhen, a well-known non-destructive testing expert, and Wang Weidong, chief engineer of Xuzhou Electric Power Test Center, unveiled the new book, and then issued the author certificate for the representative of the editor.


Wan Haitao, deputy general manager of Ruixiang Mold, presided over the unveiling ceremony of the new book山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Wei Zhongrui, chairman and general manager of Ruixiang Mold, CAI Hui, deputy director of Xi 'an Thermal Engineering Institute, Professor Xia Jizhen, a well-known non-destructive testing expert, and Wang Weidong, chief engineer of Xuzhou Electric Power Test Center, unveiled the new book山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Group photo of the unveiling guests1563778647363188.jpg



The author's representative receives the author's certificate1563778835589406.jpg


Technical discussion1563778921130558.jpg


"Ultrasonic flaw detection" has led power nondestructive people through 40 years, and has made great contributions to the development of China's power ultrasonic testing cause. With the continuous development of ultrasonic detection technology, it is urgent to revise "ultrasonic detection". Xi 'an Research Institute of Thermal Engineering proposed to revise and compile the Ultrasonic Detection Technology for Power Plants and power Grids, which has been strongly supported by the industry peers. Our company is one of the main writing units of this monograph, and a large number of experiments involving the test block part of the monograph are completed in our company.

After the meeting, the delegates visited our production workshop, expert studios, laboratories, exhibition halls and so on. Our company's R & D and production capacity, production and office environment, processing and testing capabilities have left a deep impression on the delegates.



