Nanchang Hangkong University and Ruixiang mold co-construction practice base 10th anniversary celebration was held

2023-11-23 15:53:51

On November 10, the 10th anniversary celebration of our company and Nanchang Hangkong University jointly built practice base was held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. China Non-destructive Testing Society Executive Vice Chairman Xu Yongchang, Nanchang Hangkong University Party secretary Guo Jiezhong, Dean Wu Guanhua and related school and department leaders, the company's chairman, general manager Wei Zhongrui, deputy general manager Wan Haitao and other attended the ceremony to witness the school-enterprise cooperation ceremony, and renewed the school-enterprise co-construction agreement.

During the conference, the school awarded Ruixiang Mold the medal of "Excellent Practice Base", affirming the company's outstanding contribution to Changhang non-destructive professional education. And to the chairman, General manager Wei Zhongrui awarded the "special contribution Award", in order to thank Mr. Wei for his contribution to the school's non-destructive testing profession over the years! At the same time, the school awarded a number of non-destructive testing personnel of our company "excellent instructor" in recognition of the attentive care and guidance for students during the internship.

Looking back on the past, we have gone through the unforgettable journey of the 10th anniversary together with Changhang Practice Base. School-enterprise co-construction, the combination of theory and practice, complementary advantages, to meet the needs of society and the market, and jointly cultivate high-quality skilled talents. In the past ten years, we have witnessed a batch of students come to the company to study; In the past ten years, we have seen a wave of students entering the society. They absorb nutrients in the practice base, and then fly to various places of the motherland like dandelions, bloom and bear fruit, and add luster to the national non-destructive testing cause!

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of NDT major of Nanchang Hangkong University and the 10th anniversary of the co-construction of the school and enterprise, we are full of enthusiasm, we sincerely wish! We will continue to give full play to the advantages of Ruixiang industry and contribute to the national non-destructive testing education cause. In the future, we will, as always, hand in hand with Changhang, pen and ink, write Fanghua!


Chairman and General manager Wei Zhongrui renewed the internship base agreement with Nanchang Hangkong University山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Chairman and General manager Wei Zhongrui signed an internship base agreement with Nanchang Hangkong University山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Chairman Wei Zhongrui delivered a speech山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块


Nanchang Hangkong University awarded "Special Contribution Award" to Chairman Wei Zhongrui山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Nanchang Hangkong University awarded the "Excellent Internship Base" medal to our company and other units山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

Our company presents a souvenir to Nanchang Hangkong University "The cradle of Non-destructive testing in China"山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

The two sides took a group photo
