A1 Type C type D Type M1 type test piece - Magnetic field indicator -45N, 177N, 118N lifting force test block - DC type B standard test block - AC type E standard test block

1, standard test piece Our company according to GB23906-2009 and NB/T47013-2015 standard requirements of the production of lifting force test block, standard test piece, magnetic field indicator. Standard test pieces are A1, C, D, M1 type test pieces 2, magnetic field indicator Magnetic field indicator is used for the surface of the workpiece surface magnetic field direction. Type A1, C, D, M1 | magnetic field indicator |45N, 177N, 118N lifting force test block | DC type B standard test block | AC type E standard test block

1、Standard specimen

According to the requirements of GB23906-2009 and NB/T47013-2015 standards, our company has produced lifting force test blocks, standard test pieces and magnetic field indicators.

The standard test pieces are type A1, type C, type D and type M1, which are mainly used to test the comprehensive performance of magnetic particle detection equipment, magnetic powder and magnetic suspension, showing that the surface of the workpiece under test has sufficient effective magnetic field strength and direction, effective detection area and whether the magnetization method is correct.



2、Magnetic field indicator

The magnetic field indicator is a rough check tool for the direction of the magnetic field on the surface of the workpiece being tested, the effective detection area and whether the magnetization method is correct, but it cannot be used as a quantitative indication of the magnetic field strength and its distribution.山东瑞祥模具有限公司|试块

3、Lifting force test block

The lifting force test block is a calibration test block used to check the lifting force of the electromagnetic yoke, which mainly includes the AC magnetic yoke 45N lifting force test block, the DC magnetic yoke 177N lifting force test block or the cross magnetic yoke 118N lifting force test block.


4. Dc B type standard test block for DC and three-phase golden wave rectifier electrical detection


5. Ac E-type standard test block for AC and pulsating current detection


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